Our Story
Real Life |
Our vision is to improve the use of medicine and patient care through the application of genome technology. And to work to have this technology available to everyone. |
This was Karen's fifth trip to the doctor. After three previous unsuccessful visits, three different unsuccessful prescriptions and the various unwanted side effects, she didn't hold out much hope. But her best friend had visited this new doctor and raved about her. Maybe she was different; but Karen was getting tired and running out of time. The first visit to this doctor didn't provide her with any "magical" drug as of yet. She went over her medical history, diagnosis, and history of prescription failures. She then sent Karen to the lab for "genomic testing." Whatever that means. A week later, Karen's Doctor asks her to come back in to discuss the results and the "options", again.
Fast forward two months. Karen was on her way back to the doctor. But things were different. The drug prescribed had really made a difference and she felt she had hope for the first time in 18 months. Her lab results were good and the side effects of this last drug were minimal. This doctor, this drug, this genome sequencing thing had really changed her life. Whatever worked to match up this to her DNA makeup really made a difference. She didn't understand it, but she had a new found appreciation for doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and medical technology. |
Building a Bridge to Actionable Results
Yes, this story is simplistic considering that the technology in the story is not. But this is what BRIDGenomics is all about. Bridging the gap in genomics between the medical, pharmaceutical, and research communities. The technology to make this happen is already here, we just need to make that connection. And that is why we exist. Allowing the technology that can change lives in a dramatic way, filter down to the patient like never before. In the story Karen had three champions; the doctor, the testing lab, and the pharmaceutical company. We want to help you be that champion in someone's life.
This is just one example of how we are striving to make a difference in the medical community. It is at the core of why we exist, to allow cutting edge technology to make a difference in everyone, every day.
This is just one example of how we are striving to make a difference in the medical community. It is at the core of why we exist, to allow cutting edge technology to make a difference in everyone, every day.
Jamie Platt, PhD, President and Founder of BRIDGenomics
Dr. Jamie Platt has over 12 years of experience with proven leadership in design and development of molecular assays for use in diagnostics and clinical trials with special emphasis on Advanced Sequencing and marked success in automating clinical diagnostic assays on custom designed systems and driving innovation through adopting cutting-edge technologies. Jamie also holds Six Sigma Green Belt Certification - including Lean & DFSS.